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I am a solo traveler looking for companions to share the room. Please contact me if you are interested in this tour. Travel date can be anytime between June to August. Thanks.
hello I am looking to explore national parks and some historical sites, rushmore seems interesting but I can only do the week starting July 03. just wondering how this is with you?
Hi Kenneth. If you are going to start the tour on July 03, this tour will not work for you, since its departure date is only on Wednesdays, so you will have to choose between June 30 or July 07. Can you arrange your trip to be on either one of these dates, or it has to be July 03?
Hello Mei, I must have overlooked the tour starting date. I cannot change my date, for I am flying in from Asia on the 2nd and really like to start this tour from the 3rd. aieyah~ Kenneth