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I am a solo traveler looking for companions to share the room. Please contact me if you are interested in this tour. Travel date can be anytime between June to August. Thanks.
I am looking for a companion to travel at Miami, Keys West Florida. I am available fro one week from May 29, 2010 to take the cruise or driving around Florida.
Tan Vuong
I am planning to go for Yellowstone NP this long weekend (starting at May 29). I really liked this 7 day tour (USLV85-2944). But I want to reduce this price if possible. Would you like me to join with you. You mentioned anytime between June. to August. Can it be 1st week of June. I have experience of sharing a room and I am quite adjustable too. Hope this will not create any problem to you. Please reply to me ASAP.
I am sorry, my travel plans changed a little bit. The travel dates I am available for should be anytime between mid-June to mid-August. If you can change your travel plans and take the tour within this timeframe, that would be great.
Thanks for letting me know Mei. The problem is I have already taken the leaves for May 29 to June 4. So, it is difficult to change at this moment. But I will check if I can change. By the way, probably you noticed that I am male. So, that is ok with you, right? Can you also let me know your mail id or contact number so that I can contact to you if I can change the date?
My mail id: