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Do you need 2 more room mates for Yellowstone tours? [2-120]
We're 2 females, who are going for the 7 day yellowstone tour departing from denver on 24 Jul. We're looking for 1 or 2 more room mates to share a room with us. Please let us know if any of you are interested!
I'm going for the 7 day yellowstone tour departing from LA on 24 Jul.
I'm looking for one or two female roommates to share the room, too.
But I will arrive in LA from Korea on Jul 22nd. So why don't you start from LA on Jul 24th(UALA2-121)? Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested.
We've already booked our tour departing fron Denver, but we would love it if you can join us departing from Denver, to lower the cost. We're still able to add in more room-mates, so let me know if you're interestde :)